Seneasy Intelligent Mid-year Meeting

日期: 2024-08-07 16:50:19 阅读人数: 65

On July 26, Seneasy Intelligent concluded its two-day mid-year meeting. Managers and technical backbones gathered together to review the company's ups and downs over the past 20 years. Focus on the present, and plan the future with the theme of "Picking up Light and Tempering, Making Steady and Long-Term Progress."

The meeting began with three outstanding representatives of Seneasy Intelligent reviewing Seneasy Intelligent's 20-year growth path, expounding the essence of Seneasy Intelligent's corporate culture, reviewing the company's hard work in the initial period, and describing the fact that it has always adhered to the customer-oriented concept in ensuring production and delivery, as well as the unremitting pursuit of continuous iteration and cross-border innovation in the fields of products and technologies, all constitute Seneasy Intelligent's unique corporate soul and inspire everyone to forge ahead bravely.

Faced with the next challenges and opportunities, Seneasy Intelligent has clarified the five must-win battles of "Landing Major Customer Strategy", "Reducing Costs and Increasing Efficiency", "Strictly Controlling Quality Costs", "Promoting Process Changes" and "Integrity and Compliance". The responsible persons in various fields shared specific action strategies and explained how to effectively promote special tasks while ensuring the smooth realization of strategic goals. At the end of the meeting, the heads of each department solemnly signed the target responsibility letter, and all participants swore to guarantee that "Mission Must be Achieved", demonstrating the cohesion and execution of the team.

A notable aspect of this meeting is the substantial surge in the involvement of  employees, transcending the conventional framework of department head-centric gatherings. The collective presence of over 100 pivotal team members underscores Seneasy Intelligent’s commitment to disseminating its corporate ethos and aspirations, ensuring a profound comprehension of the company’s vision among every staff member. This unified understanding translates into tangible actions, propelling the company forward in a steady and purposeful manner.

During the meeting, Ms. Hu Weiqing, the esteemed Chairperson of the Board, delivered an inspiring address: “We stand united in this vessel, where every action of ours steers our collective journey. Let us synchronize our strides, unite under a common aspiration, and collectively carve out an even more resplendent chapter in the annals of Seeasy Intelligence.”