Seneasy Intelligent's Manufacturing Business Unit: End-to-End Cost Management Training

日期: 2024-07-14 00:00:00 阅读人数: 106

On July 14th, Seneasy Intelligent's Manufacturing Business Unit organized a training session themed End-to-End Cost Management, aimed at strengthening cost awareness among grassroots management personnel, from team leaders and technicians to engineers, and enhancing the cost-effectiveness of the overall manufacturing process. Through a series of meticulously designed courses, the training is dedicated to maintaining a competitive edge in an increasingly competitive market environment.

The training focused on comprehensive cost management strategies, from the construction of cost thinking and sharing of management methods to case analysis of on-site cost waste phenomena. Participants collectively explored effective solutions. There was also a special emphasis on integrating cost considerations from the product design phase, pursuing the ultimate efficiency and quality in the manufacturing process through lean production methods, while reducing overall costs through vertical integration of the supply chain.

The training adopted a combination of theory and practice, with participants engaging in group discussions to delve into specific cost improvement measures for their respective areas. Based on the discussion results, each group detailed the implementation steps, expected goals, and completion timelines. This plan will serve as a guide for subsequent work, ensuring that cost improvement measures are effectively implemented and continuously tracked.

This training demonstrated Seneasy Intelligent's high regard for manufacturing cost management and its determination to empower the team through professional training, highlighting the company's unremitting efforts in pursuing excellent operations. Subsequently, a culture of continuous learning and improvement will be established, with regular multi-level training activities conducted to cover a comprehensive professional capability enhancement from cost analysis, lean production to supply chain optimization, achieving sustainable cost optimization and creating greater value for customers.