We are Together We can Achieve Greatness

日期: 2024-06-24 00:00:00 阅读人数: 130

On June 22, 2024, Seneasy Intelligent held a special spring and summer team-building and birthday celebration event.

The event kicked off in an atmosphere filled with enthusiasm, with the theme of African Drums as the team expansion activity. Participants, under the guidance of professional coaches, started from scratch to learn drumming skills. In the subsequent group PK segment, the drumming was thunderous, each beat filled with teamwork and tacit understanding. Through the performance of tribal war songs, not only was the power of music displayed, but also the vitality and passion among team members were ignited.

The Building a Bridge Over the River game that followed tested the tacit understanding and strategy between teammates. Participants needed to quickly build a "bridge" using a limited number of foam boards. In a tense yet orderly atmosphere, team members demonstrated a high level of coordinated combat ability, completing the track challenge in the shortest time possible, fully reflecting the efficient execution of the Seneasy Intelligent team.

The Speed Triple Checkers segment was a dual contest of intelligence and speed. Teammates, through rapid response and strategic layout, strived to seize the initiative on the chessboard. This game not only tested individual wisdom but, more importantly, strengthened strategic cooperation among the team, making every participant deeply feel the importance of teamwork.

As night fell, the warm prelude to the birthday celebration slowly began. Chairperson Hu Weiqing delivered an opening speech, expressing heartfelt thanks to colleagues for their hard work in the first half of the year. He also conveyed that under great pressure, everyone should face difficulties head-on, be fearless of challenges, and overcome every difficulty with greater determination and perseverance.

Subsequently, the chairman presented birthday gifts to the celebrants. During the dinner, the lucky draw segment further pushed the atmosphere to a climax, with surprises and laughter, making every person present feel the warmth and care of the Seneasy Intelligent family.

This team-building event not only deepened the mutual understanding and trust among team members but also further enhanced the team's cohesion and centripetal force, confirming the theme of this Seneasy Intelligent team-building: We Are Together, We Can Achieve Greatness. Seneasy Intelligent will continue to uphold this spirit of teamwork, with even greater enthusiasm and stronger team strength, to jointly face challenges and create a new chapter.